sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010

2010 Report for WSW website

An event called Look at the sky from the Physics lab -Petrosani University was organized by the I.G.Duca School and the Petrosani University in Romania. This was a project of I.G.Duca School in Petrosani and involved
directly 100 students, and by video and the event’s website we are planning to involve about 600 pupils and the parents.
The activities included observations with telescopes, screenings of videos, a seminar and lab activities.
These activities were coordinated by I. G. Duca School-Prof. Dr. Stanoi Camelia, with the participation
and support of the Petrosani University.
The students and teachers visited the Physics Lab and The Topograhy Lab to learn more about the techniques of space science.
In Petrosani University the students and teachers got acquainted with space telescopes and lasers and the radiation counter Geiger Muller, and microscopes.. We celebrated WSW 2010 participating at a seminar and talk show on astronomy providing information about different applications of space technologies and space science.
.The result was posted on the newly created website http://www.igducapetrosaniwsw.blogspot.com/
The project took advantage of the expertise of scientists and engineers from the Petrosani University: Prof. Dr. Ioan Dumitrescu, Prof. Dr. Otavian Herbei, Engineer Nelu Stefan, Phys. Radu Bobar, Prof. Dr. Aurora Stanci. Pupils learned about current applications of space technology and exploration.
The group of children responded enthusiastically, asking lots of questions.
From I.G.Duca School participated: Prof. Ing. Demeter Nicoleta, Prof. Elena Girjob, Prof. Valeria Buiama, Ing. Nicolae Kando.


duminică, 10 octombrie 2010

Seminar si activitate in teren. World Space Week 2010

Elevii Scolii I.G.Duca Petrosani au participat la un seminar si la o activitate de efectuare de masuratori de radiatie cosmica.
In cadrul seminarului ei au pus intrebari despre aparatura utilizata in cercetare care isi gaseste aplicabilitate in munca celor care lucreaza pe statiile orbitale si a celor care studiaza spatiul cosmic. Cadrele didactice universitare de la Universitatea Petrosani au prezentat aparatura existenta in dotarea laboratorului de fizica si au permis elevilor sa puna in functiune anumite aparate.
Elevii au studiat, la microsop o proba luata din atmosfera in urma eruptiei vulcanului islandez de anul acesta.
Apoi au iesit in padurea din jurul Universitatii si au masurat radiatia cosmica.

La aceasta actiune au participat 50 de elevi insotiti de:

Prof. Dr. Ing. Stanoi Camelia
Prof. Dr. Stanci Aurora
Prof. Ing. Demeter Nicoleta
Prof. Buiama Valeria
Ing. Kando Nicolae

Prof. Girjob Elena

Prof. Lautaru Alexandru

Fizician Radu Bobar

Actiunea va fi popularizata in scoala utilizand mijloacele audio-video, astfel incat toti elevii sa beneficieze de informatia acumulata.

Pentru informatii despre spatiul cosmic, vizitati site-ul NASA
Aici gasiti un joc:
http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forkids/kidsclub/flash/currentevent/STS-130_Cosmic_Corridor.html joc/


Elevii Scolii I.G.Duca Petrosani au participat la o activitate de prezentare a aparaturii optice aflate in dotarea Laboratorului de Topografie al Universitatii Petrosani. Elevii au ascultat prezentarea si apoi au utilizat aparatura, sub supravegherea cadrelor didactice

vineri, 8 octombrie 2010

How to find out The Mystery of The Universe

Our visit to Petrosani University was a interesting way to find out how to study the sky and the materials from the sky duster and which optical instruments to use in order to bring the sky closer to us.